We wanted to take a minute and share with you our core values.Stand with us to support the future of small business in America and join a community that stands for something amazing. #ShowUsYourMoxey
THINK ABUNDANTLY:Be Bold. Building great things means taking risks. We have a saying: "The riskiest thing is to take no risks." in a world that's changing so quickly you're guaranteed to fail if you don't take any risks.
SHARE KNOWLEDGE: Continuous Learning. We are passionate about learning and seek to constantly improve and innovate. We are not afraid to make mistakes. We learn from others and from our challenges & successes.
STRENGTHEN RELATIONSHIPS: We build connections. We’re more than just a transaction. We bring together businesses and people, creating partnerships to fund projects that transform cities and the lives of the people in them.
GROW COURAGEOUSLY: Make a difference every day: We constantly push ourselves to be our best, we focus on solutions, and we arrive every day inspired to make an impact through our talents, passion and hard work.
If you’ve been thinking about how you can positively impact the local businesses by investing in causes you believe in, this is your chance!
Time is running out… there are only SEVEN days left in our crowdfunding campaign.
Don’t miss this opportunity to get in as a Moxey investor at the ground level — for as little as $100.
Just so you know, this opportunity might never be available to you again. You don’t want to look back and say you should have invested. Don’t look back and wish you had taken action.
Join us now in the home stretch of our campaign —let’s make a difference for small businesses together!
Invest with real ownership and buy shares in Moxey
We can't wait to see you in YOUR community!