How PartnersOne Works

Our Results Speak for Themselves

Hustles & Heartfelt Tales

Our Moxey Members have great things to say about the value we add to their businesses.

Lisa Phillips

Mary Kay Cosmetics

Moxey is such a win-win concept to trade for products that you use on a daily basis like skin care, mascara and lipstick. Not only can Moxey members use my products but their family members can use them too. Helping our members think of ways to market AND spend their Moxey dollars for both business needs and personal use is one reason why Moxey Bham is my favorite trade organization.

Johnny Carcioppolo

Team Insight Plus

What Nate has created here is nothing less than spectacular. The community continues to grow with more and more businesses to trade with. This has become my GO TO spot anytime I need to spend money to see if we have someone in the exchange that has what I am looking for. I have heard stories about other trade companies that were not very favorable but believe me that is not the case here. So glad I joined and looking forward to watching this group grow.

Dr. Drayton Smith, DMD

Southern Dental Birmingham

Trading was new to me. I was hesitant at first. It was tough to imagine that I could get something that I really needed without spending cash. But after that first major transaction which kept me from writing a huge check, I was a believer! Whether one is buying or selling through trade, Moxey Bham is a huge plus for small business owners.

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Meet the Team

Dee Park
Marketing Director
Nate Park
Executive Director

Board of Directors

Patrick Martin
VP of Real Estate
Louisiana State University

We are proud members of these organizations

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